Superior Protection through Pet Vaccinations
Our veterinary clinic would never make a recommendation for your pet if there was risk of safety. While mild reactions occasionally occur in vaccinated dogs and cats, the pros of bolstering your pet’s immune system far outweigh the cons. Just like humans, your pet may feel sore at the vaccination site, and they may be lethargic for up to 24 hours after their vaccination.
Click here to view our vaccination value plans.
If you’re concerned about how your pet will respond to vaccines, we encourage you to contact us to discuss your pet’s needs at (830) 875-2456.

Should every pet be vaccinated? We’d certainly recommend it. When you walk into your house after a day at work, do you consider how many diseases might have hitched a ride on your shoes, hands, or clothes? Staying indoors does not guarantee safety for our animal companions, and both dogs and cats can be at risk for infection.
Here are the vaccines we commonly recommend for dogs and cats:
Essential Canine Vaccinations
- Rabies
- Parvovirus
- Distemper virus
- Adenovirus
- Leptospirosis
- Canine respiratory disease complex (kennel cough)
Essential Feline Vaccines
- Rabies
- Calcivirus, Herpesvirus, and Rhinotracheitis-causing Viruses
- Panleukopenia
- Leukemia
Humans can be affected by parasites too! We’re conscious of your pet’s health affecting your family, which is why we keep a close eye on our patients’ exposure and risk of parasite infections. Common zoonotic (infections that can transmit between humans and animals) include:
- Scabies: mange mites that infect the skin
- Hookworms: parasites causing skin disease cutaneous larval migrans
- Ringworm: a fungal infection of the skin
- Roundworms: parasites causing visceral larval migrans
- Leptospirosis: bacterial infection of the kidneys
- Giardia: an infection that causes gastrointestinal diarrhea disease
- Fleas: parasites that transmit itchy bites (and sometimes diseases) from animal to animal
- Ticks: parasites that draw blood and spread diseases
- Staph infections: bacterial skin infections
To protect pets from diseases and parasites, our veterinarians reference the guidelines of the Companion Animal Parasite Council. Monthly administering of parasite prevention will help control external parasites, such as ticks and fleas, as well as internal parasites like intestinal worms and heartworms.
If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health against parasites and zoonotic diseases, contact us at (830) 875-2456. We’re here to help!